This Code of Ethics identifies the values, guidelines and general principles which must guide the activities of the Chamber and the conduct of all those who act on its behalf and work for it. Members and Associate members are required to comply with this Code of Ethics also when carrying out their own work and business activities and they are invited to implement it in their own internal regulations. This Code of Ethics is also applicable to those who have collaborative relations with the Chamber.
The Chamber’s activities and the individuals to whom this Code of Ethics is addressed must be inspired by respect for human rights and environmental protection, as well as by criteria of legality, integrity, fairness and confidentiality. All individuals working with the Chamber in any capacity must also contribute to its good performance according to the principles of impartiality, transparency, efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
3.1 Human rights, equal opportunities, environmental protection
Respect for human rights and fundamental freedom, equal treatment and equal opportunities between women and men, races, religions and age groups, and environmental protection must be ensured in all activities, both internal and external, including the procurement of goods and services, production, distribution, sales and after-sales services. The selection, training and management of personnel must avoid any form of discrimination, favouring criteria of expertise, merit and professionalism. The choice of suppliers, independent contractors and business partners cannot disregard the verification of respect for human rights, non-discrimination and respect for the environment also on their part.
3.2 Legality
Conduct inspired by legality implies the willingness to know the regulations in force regarding one’s own business activity and to respect them for the value they express, without attempting to circumvent them, remaining free to criticize them and to take action for their change if deemed inadequate.
3.3 Integrity
Compliance with the principle of integrity requires, among other things, to refrain from conduct that may influence the independence, impartiality or fairness of the Chamber’s activities and not to use one’s office and institutional or corporate powers to pursue purposes that are unrelated to the interests of the Chamber or the company or to obtain personal benefits for oneself or others in contrast with the activity to be managed or in any case unrelated to it.
3.4 Fairness
This principle requires conduct based on respect for others, loyalty, honesty, and cooperation, avoiding any conflict of interest, meaning any situation, occasion or relationship in which, even if only potentially, personal interests or those of other related parties or organizations managed, directly or through investment, are involved which may result in a loss of the duty of impartiality.
3.5 Impartiality
By way of example, the duty of impartiality means:
3.6 Confidentiality
This obligation imposes:
3.7 Transparency
Transparency in the Chamber’s activities means that:
In addition to compliance with the rules of conduct described in article 3 above, the Chamber shares and promotes the following values among its Members, Associate members and those who encounter it:
5.1 The individuals who are part of the Chamber’s bodies must observe the provisions of this Code of Ethics. The candidacy, appointment or election of these individuals to the Chamber’s bodies requires verification of the ethical and professional qualifications expressed in this Code of Ethics.
The following are grounds for inappropriate candidacy, appointment and election:
5.2 The individuals who are part of the Chamber’s bodies undertake to resign in the event of incompatibility, inappropriateness, impossibility of attendance or other reasons which may harm the image of the Chamber.
6.1 Control
The recipients of this Code of Ethics are required to be familiar with its content, to observe its rules and require compliance with them, to contribute to its implementation and to provide their contribution to its constant improvement. The Council is responsible for monitoring compliance with this Code of Ethics.
6.2 Sanctions
Breaches of this Code of Ethics are subject to the following sanctions:
a reprimand, warning and the forfeiture of the office or appointment. The Council shall decide on the application of sanctions by means of a justified resolution, after hearing the person concerned, to whom the measure must be communicated in writing. The penalty of forfeiture is effective immediately notwithstanding any appeal by the interested party.
6.3 Board of Arbitrators
Appeals against sanctions issued by the Council can only be made to the Board of Arbitrators within thirty days of notification of the ruling under penalty of forfeiture of the right. The Board of Arbitrators is made up of three standing arbitrators and one alternate arbitrator appointed by the General Meeting of the Chamber every four years. The arbitrators may also be Members or Associate members or their representatives, who do not hold a position on a body of the Chamber. The Board of Arbitrators appoints the Chairman from among the arbitrators at its first meeting and operates without formality. Before making a decision, the Board of Arbitrators invites the person concerned and a person appointed by the Council to state their reasons orally or in writing. Written decisions are justified succinctly and are communicated to the person concerned and the Council, and the parties are obliged to comply with them
The decisions of the Board of Arbitrators are not subject to appeal.
This Code of Ethics shall enter into force on 1 March 2014.
Any amendment and integration to this Code of Ethics must be approved by the General Meeting.
Approved by resolution at the General Meeting on 29.01.2014.
via Agnello 6/1 – 20121 Milan, Italy
Phone: + 39 02 877524 | Email:
P.IVA: 05603110965 – CF: 97137840159